Seacacar School

Centro Educativo Gran Betania

We’re about moving computers to Guatemala, and within our time constraints, we try to help other organizations acquire and ship computers.  We can advise on the suitable software packages and hardware upgrades.  Under some circumstances, our staff in Tactic may be able service computers.

  • Seek donations from companies, especially IT asset disposition companies. Computer disposal is an expense; donation is a writeoff. Corporate computers have recently come off an employee’s desk. Donations to neighborhood and church drives may have been in closets for years.
  • The nonprofit Kramden Institute collects donations, refurbishes them, and distributes them free to school kids in North Carolina. They also sell to nonprofits. They give a six-month warranty, which is useless in Guatemala but does bespeak confidence in their process. The Kramden Institute is near our North Carolina office. We will not broker a sale with Kramden, but we may be able to pick up and ship at your expense. There may be a similar refurbisher near you.
  • Recommended hardware configuration: i5 processor, 8Gb memory, 256Gb SSD. This is likely the minimum configuration you will receive from a company. If you receive computers with 2.5″ HDDs, replace them with cheap 256Gb SSDs for a big speed boost. They cost around $20.
  • Recommended software configuration: Windows 10 or 11, SpanishEdition; LibreOffice, a free open-source Microsoft Office lookalike; and Biblioteca Chaptops, our offline reference materials. We can supply a UBS drive that can be freely duplicated.
  • Use a shipper that caters to your local Guatemalan community. There are many around the US. They ship by volume in standard-sized cartons over the sea route in a month.
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